Musik-Veröffentlichungen - Hanna Sophie Lüke
Album "Human in Our Hearts"
Hanna Sophie Lüke with Deutsches Filmorchester Babelsberg
Cinematic symphonic scores blending live orchestra, solo piano and female vocals (choir and solo) with Neoclassical touches.
Performed by Hanna Sophie Lüke (vocals and piano) and Deutsches Filmorchester Babelsberg.
© Cover Artwork: Hanna Sophie Lüke / Sonoton Music
Album Release
"Human In Our Hearts"
Hanna Sophie Lüke with German Film Orchestra Babelsberg
Cinematic symphonic scores blending live orchestra, solo piano and female vocals (choir and solo) with Neoclassical touches.
Album Credits:
Music and Words: Hanna Sophie Lüke
All tracks composed and produced by Hanna Sophie Lüke
Vocals (Choir / Solo) and Piano: Hanna Sophie Lüke
Vocal and Piano Recordings: Hanna Sophie Lüke
Score performed by German Filmorchestra Babelsberg at Scoring Stage Babelsberg.
General Manager: Klaus-Peter Beyer
Recording Engineer: Falco Duczmal, Felix Trawoeger
Recordist: Alexander Wohlfeil
Orchestra conducted by Christiane Silber (all tracks except track 3,14)
and Eva Meitner (track 3, 14)
Orchestration: Hanna Sophie Lüke (all tracks)
Additional Orchestration by Fabian Zeidler (track 1, 2, 12, 13) and Pascal Horn (track 6, 10, 19)
Mixed by Peter Fuchs at INTERSOUND Studios, Munich
Mastered by Daniel Goodridge
Cover Artwork: Original Painting by Hanna Sophie Lüke
Graphic Design by Sam Hayles / DOSE Productions
Published by Sonoton Music (December 2024)
Aktuelle Musik-Veröffentlichungen / Current Music Releases Hanna Sophie Lüke
Album Release
"Human In Our Hearts"
Hanna Sophie Lüke with German Film Orchestra Babelsberg
Music and Words: Hanna Sophie Lüke
Produced by Hanna Sophie Lüke
Published by Sonoton Music
Composition for Orchestral Tools
"Layers of Waves"
For Parallel Orchestra by Orchestral Tools in cooperation with Novation
Composition, Arranging & Programming/Producing by Hanna Sophie Lüke
Composition for Orchestral Tools
"Flying Brass"
For Beaufort - Vivid Scoring Brass
Recorded at Air Studios Lyndhurst, London
Composition, Arranging & Programming/Producing by Hanna Sophie Lüke
Composition for Orchestral Tools
"Epic Dance" For Drums Only
For Monolith by Richard Harvey
Recorded at Air Studios Lyndhurst, London
Composition, Arranging & Programming/Producing by Hanna Sophie Lüke
Composition for Orchestral Tools
For Stringscapes by Hollywood Composer Benjamin Wallfisch
Recorded at Teldex Scoring Stage Berlin
Composition, Arranging & Programming/Producing by Hanna Sophie Lüke
Composition for Orchestral Tools
For Lucent - Free flute by Claire Wickes
Soloist: Claire Wickes, Principal Flute of the English National Opera
Composition, Arranging & Programming/Producing by Hanna Sophie Lüke
Composition for Orchestral Tools
"Light Blue Spring"
For Pēteris Vasks Strings
Sinfonietta Riga
Recorded at John’s church in Riga, Latvia
Composition, Arranging & Programming/Producing by Hanna Sophie Lüke
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Composition for Orchestral Tools
"Easy Air Quiet Sea"
For Berlin Woodwinds - Additional Instruments
Recorded at Teldex Scoring Stage Berlin
Composition, Arranging & Programming/Producing by Hanna Sophie Lüke
Composition for Orchestral Tools
"Sky Particles"
For Hammond B3 tonewheel organ "Clutch"
Recorded at Sunset Sound Studios, Los Angeles
Composition, Arranging & Programming/Producing by Hanna Sophie Lüke
Composition for West One Music London
"Dark Blue Night" (String Quintet)
Live String Quintet recorded in London, UK
Appears on the Album "Tension Drama Strings" by West One Music (Score, WOM 625)
Genre: Tension
Composition, Arranging & Programming/Producing by Hanna Sophie Lüke
Composition for Orchestral Tools
"Lost Places" (Experimental Cello)
Radome - Experimental Cello from the FABRIK Series by Orchestral Tools
Composition, Arranging & Programming/Producing by Hanna Sophie Lüke
Composition for Orchestral Tools
"Watercolor" (Strings Only)
Berlin Con Sordino Strings
Composition, Arranging & Programming/Producing by Hanna Sophie Lüke
Song Release
"If I Can Hold You"
Music and Words by Hanna Sophie Lüke
Vocals and Piano by Hanna Sophie Lüke
Recorded at LOFT Studio Ehrenfeld, Cologne
Mastered by Roy Recklies
Cover Artwork & Image Rights: Hanna Sophie Lüke
Composition for Orchestral Tools
"Soft Pastel"
Spindle Free Felt Piano
Piano, Composition & Programming by Hanna Sophie Lüke
Song Release
"The Tree (100 Years of Loneliness)"
Vocals and Piano by Hanna Sophie Lüke
Composition, Arranging, Programming and Producing by Hanna Sophie Lüke
Mastered by Roy Recklies
Cover Artwork & Image Rights: Hanna Sophie Lüke
Composition for Orchestral Tools
"Salon Bleu"
Patina Living Room Piano
Piano, Composition, Arranging, Programming & Mixing by Hanna Sophie Lüke
Composition for Native Instruments
"Day of Light"
Cremona Quartet
Composition by Hanna Sophie Lüke, Arranging/Programming by Iva Zabkar
Original Compositions by Hanna Sophie Lüke
"Summer in Paris" (dt. Originaltitel: "Am Ende eines Sommers in Paris")
"Was it just a dream?" (dt. Originaltitel: "Hab' ich es geträumt?")
Recorded by German Film Orchestra Babelsberg
Appears on the Album "Live Strings - The Women´s Collective" by track15, Sonoton Music
Original Composition by Hanna Sophie Lüke
"Hallo Neuer Morgen"
Recorded by German Film Orchestra Babelsberg
Appears on the Album "Neoclassical Score" by track15, Universal Production Music
"Hallo Neuer Morgen / So schön dich zu sehen / Unser neues Leben ist / aus dem Fenster zu sehn / Hallo Neuer Morgen / Du kommst so leicht daher / Komm lass uns aufstehn / Dahinten liegt das Meer"
(Text extract "Hallo Neuer Morgen" by Hanna Sophie Lüke)
Playlist Eigenkompositionen Hanna Sophie Lüke

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Hanna Sophies Music
Gesang, Klavier, Komposition, Arrangement/Orchestration/Notation, Textdichtung/Sprache, Produktion - das sind meine "Main Music Skills".
Musik und Lyrik sind für mich untrennbar miteinander verbunden - auch bei meinen Instrumentalstücken, welchen immer ein eigener Text/Poem zugrunde liegt.
In der Umsetzung meiner musikalischen Ideen und Botschaften setze ich auf professionelles Teamwork mit Orchestern (Deutsches Filmorchester Babelsberg, WDR Funkhausorchester) & Musiker*innen.
Für weitere Infos, Projektanfragen oder Hörbeispiele nehmen Sie gerne Kontakt zu mir auf!
© HSL, Studio Babelsberg 2019